Becoming a skilled teacher takes time, experience and practice. Reflecting on your lessons should be done on a regular basis to help you understand and learn how to improve and evolve as a teacher.
The Eight Multiple Intelligences
Within SBINZ, this is introduced as a teaching tool within the Children’s Teaching Certification. The theory suggests that by about the age of six, children begin to favour certain intelligences. They use these intelligences to help solve problems and learn new things. This continues throughout our lives to adulthood; however, we typically become much more balanced with our intelligences as we get older.
It is important to understand how to identify and then facilitate learning through these multiple intelligences. While getting to know your group, try to identify one of the preferred intelligences for each student. The following multiple intelligence characteristics can be witnessed…
Linguistic (word-smart)
Logical-Mathematical (number or logic-smart)
Spatial (picture-smart)
Bodily-Kinesthetic (body or sport-smart)
Musical (music-smart)
Naturalistic (nature-smart)
Interpersonal (people-smart)
Intrapersonal (self-smart)
VIDEO: Multiple Intelligences with Claire Dooney
Have you ever had an experience of trying to teach someone and they just couldn’t get it? There is a high chance that you were utilising intelligences that were weaker within that student and that they could not process the new information efficiently. It can be likened to speaking a different language. They simply do not understand what you are talking about.