
We hope that you will go on to share and inspire your students and their parents with this information in all your FUNdamentals lessons.

New Zealand is home to some unique and diverse ecosystems. The alpine environment above tree line where most of our ski areas are situated are no exception to this. These regions are home to one fifth of all our native flowering plants, and a vast array of invertebrate’s and other creatures.

During the winter when we are on the mountain most of these amazing ecosystems that exist in and around our ski areas are hidden from view under the snow. Even with the snow covering the ground life still exists all around us. From the highly visible and cheeky Kea’s to the tiny insects beneath the snow. Plant life varies from snow tussocks and grasses to the lichens covering the rocks.

As snow sports instructors and educators, we should be mindful and aware of the ecological environment we operate in. We have a shared duty of care to help protect and preserve these areas we love to work and play in. We also have a unique opportunity as educators to share and inspire our students with the natural environment they are in.

Incorporating information about the ecology of the mountain and how to help care for it will add real depth to the learning and experience of the children. This can lead to a greater connection to the mountains and the desire to return. They will be the care takers of our playground in the future, let’s show them how important it is to look after it.