Search Adaptive Manual
A variety of adaptive equipment is available both commercially and through Kiwi ingenuity and adaptation. Standard equipment is often customised to fit individual needs, with duct tape and padding being some of the most common modifications.
Use adaptive equipment with the goal of utilising the minimum amount necessary to help the student achieve their goals. The equipment should be continually assessed throughout the learning process, with adjustments and changes made as needed.
Outriggers Reference Guide
WHAT it is
Outriggers help to stabilise a student and are either hand held or fixed.
WHY we use it
Physically the instructor needs to know how a student moves, their strength, balance and stamina to apply the movements used on snow. This will also form the basis for choosing which equipment will achieve success for the student.
HOW we set it up
Beginners: The outrigger length can be adjusted in two ways. Adjust the cuff height so that it allows free movement of the elbow. The length of the outriggers should be adjusted when the student is on their equipment and in a centred stance. If the outriggers are needed for support the student should be able to weight bear on them while in their centred stance. Padding can be placed on the handles to support the palm. If they are used to assist with balance the ski tips should just brush the snow when they are being swung. Ensure that the outrigger height is set correctly on both sides especially where someone has different strengths and/or arm lengths on each side.
Intermediates: As the student’s speed increases the brake screw should be reduced to prevent the outrigger from dragging behind the student. As the terrain gets steeper, outrigger length should be shortened to prevent the uphill outrigger from affecting the student’s body position.