Turn descriptions, intentions and phases covers ways that a turn can be described and thought about in order to be more accurate when describing and identifying where and when something happens. Learn the different ways that you can describe turns, from a simple “beginning-middle-end”, to more detailed ways to describe the ideal ski and body performances, in relation to the skier’s goals in each phase of the turn.
Performance Skiing
Performance Skiing – Bring in the Transition
When describing performance skiing such as dynamic medium radius turns on piste, steep off-piste skiing or slalom turns in a race course, using a two phase model can help explain the seamless flow and nuance of all that is happening at the high speed required to ski with performance.

When we want to communicate fluid movement from one turn to the next we combine the release and create phase and call this the transition.
Shaping the turn and controlling our direction across the hill happens during the control phase, therefore the control phase must remain in the dialogue when describing performance skiing. Skiers will also have to deal with the most centripetal and centrifugal force during this phase of the turn.