Activity-Analyse-Adapt Teaching Cycle
This cycle is particularly useful when working with intermediate and advanced students, due to the more fluid structure of teaching required at this level. Whilst it is still relevant when teaching beginner students, there is less emphasis on how it is implemented, due to the more linear nature of beginner lessons.

The first activity is usually chosen by the instructor when planning the lesson during the Play stage, taking into account the students’ ability, level of comfort, goals and motivations, as well as the terrain available and snow conditions. Subsequent activities will be based on the students’ performance and their experience gained from the previous activity. These activities may or may not be structured to form a progression.
An appropriate activity can be a variety of different things:
Once an activity is attempted, some analysis must occur to help improve performance. This analysis can happen internally within the student, but it is more often driven by the instructor.
When watching the student, consider:
The aim here is to create self-awareness in the students so that they can take ownership of the analysis process and eventually self analyse their own performance. A powerful way to help create this awareness is through the use of questioning, guiding the students towards discovering the answer for themselves.
When the students’ performance has been analysed a decision needs to be made about what they should do next. Before making this decision, the instructor should ask themselves, “Were they successful or not?”
To determine this, the instructor must be actively listening and watching. The goal here is to incorporate the student as a key part of the decision making process. If a strong, student-instructor rapport has been established, the students will feel comfortable to guide some of these decisions, helping the instructor to keep the lesson student-centred.
If the student is successful in the initial activity, consider these options for how to adapt the current activity:
Student two slides the box in a 50-50 successfully a few times in a row. Once analysed and are happy no correction is needed, you decide to adapt by having them try moving up and down while on the box.