Equipment for Kids

Wrist Guards
External Equipment
These are items of equipment we find around the mountain. They include lift towers, snow guns, signs, fences, ropes, poles, snow mobiles and grooming machines, terrain park features, these are generally man-made and can be different at each resort.
It is important that instructors make children aware of these and explain the reason that they are on the mountain, as well as ways to stay safe when we are around them. External equipment can also be used to aid lessons. For example, a lift tower or snow gun could be used as a focal point to ride towards or as a stopping point when the visibility is limited.
Manipulative Equipment
This is equipment that can be used by the instructor to create fun games and challenge new skills that the students have learned. Examples of manipulative equipment are cones, poles, foam noodles, hula hoops, brushes, and coloured liquid to leave marks in the snow. Really, anything that is safe can be used.
The instructor’s choice is limited only by what is available in the snowsports school and their imagination. For example, a pole can be buried in the snow for the children to see if they can ride a flat board over the top of it. This will help build skills required for a 50-50 on a box and give the sensation of sliding on a man-made feature.