Freestyle is often one of the main reasons why people start snowboarding. Remember that, whilst extremely popular, freestyle is not for everyone. Be mindful of your students’ interests and do not push them into freestyle if they appear uncomfortable. The tricks featured in this resource are some of the fundamental tricks required to become a well-rounded freestyle snowboarder. Students will need a variety of turn sizes and shapes before learning these tricks. In some tricks, students will require the ability to flat base and ride switch, for the approach and takeoff and/or to perform or land the trick.
Intro to & Exploring Boxes
What, Why, How
To learn to ride on boxes/rails in balance and build confidence on the features.
VIDEO: Intro to Boxes with Dave Pearse
Hot Tip
Exploring Movement & Building Confidence

Exploring Boardslides & Presses
Movements & Board Performance
The focus here is on soft ankles, knees and hips to lower the COM. This will also help the rider transition onto the feature smoothly and absorb any drop at the end of the feature.
Rotational movements should be avoided in 50-50s and presses; however, it is more important that the rider remains aligned with their snowboard rather than the feature. When exploring boardslides, focus on smooth counter-rotation to maintain stability on the feature. Rotational separation will be created in the spine.
Longitudinal & Pressuring
The rider should focus on a centred stance initially. The 50-50 is a reference to the rider’s even weight distribution during this trick. When exploring presses, keeping the shoulders fairly level as the hips move down towards the nose or tail will help with stability and balance during the press.
Maintaining a flat base is critical. Lateral movements should be avoided completely when on the feature.
Terrain & Group Management
Corrective Teaching
Student drifts off the side before reaching the end of the feature:
Student slips out on their heel edge when attempting to pivot the board into a boardslide:
Student can’t lift the nose or tail when attempting a small press: