Freestyle is often one of the main reasons why people start snowboarding. Remember that, whilst extremely popular, freestyle is not for everyone. Be mindful of your students’ interests and do not push them into freestyle if they appear uncomfortable. The tricks featured in this resource are some of the fundamental tricks required to become a well-rounded freestyle snowboarder. Students will need a variety of turn sizes and shapes before learning these tricks. In some tricks, students will require the ability to flat base and ride switch, for the approach and takeoff and/or to perform or land the trick.
Intro to & Exploring Jumps
What, Why, How
Develop skills to jump off features that have more transition through the takeoff (e.g. park jumps). Develop basic air awareness and build confidence.
VIDEO: Intro to Park Jumps with Jamie Middleton
Straight Airs
Hot Tip
Basic Air Awareness (Retracting for Grabs, Pokes & Shiftys):

Movements & Board Performance
Vertical with Pressuring (Pop)
Movements vertically are the key to a good pop during takeoff and absorption on landing. They are also required for retraction movements to bring the board up towards the upper body, this should be focused in the knees and hips.
Minimal movements are recommended at the early stages. Encourage students to take off and land on a flat board. To help this, ensure that flexion movements in the ankles, knees and hips are well proportioned and timed.
A centred stance is needed to land on both feet and avoid butt checks or going over the nose on landing. Independent movement in the legs is required for creating pokes.
Rotational movements should be avoided to maintain alignment and stability as students ride through each zone of ATTL (with the exception of shiftys, where a small counter-rotation movement should be used).
Terrain & Group Management
Whilst gaining mileage in the park, continue to reference Park SMART. In a group, share this responsibility around and have students identify something relevant for each letter of SMART.
Corrective Teaching
Student lands sideways and catches their edge when jumping:
Student flaps arms while in air:
Student leans back towards the tail while jumping:
Student leans back over the heel edge in the air or when landing:
Student lands sideways when shifty-ing: