Giving students control of their path gives them the autonomy to choose the direction of their learning and the pace at which they progress.
It involves empowering students to take ownership of their learning experience and giving them the freedom to explore ways of achieving the outcomes and goals that they want.
Ask the students if things are moving at a pace that suits them. Observer if they seem to want to develop faster, or if they are already feeling the strain and developing too fast.
Students might want different feedback at different times. Some might want feedback every run, some might want to practice and then get feedback. Types of feedback may vary allow students to guide you in to what they prefer.
Ask your students “Do you want to practice that again?”, “Do you want some more info, or do you want to keep practising what you are working on?”
Allow your student to guide you about when and in what direction they want new information to be added.
“Do you want to keep practising this?” “Shall we do two more runs, then we can see if we want to develop further?”
Is the lesson going in the direction the students wanted? Did they want to get up the chair before the end of the day, or did they want to continue to develop and build confidence on the beginner slopes?