Create Control Release, DIRRT & Turn Phases

It is very helpful to have a way of describing where and when in a turn things are happening.
At Level 1 you will have talked a lot about the Start, Middle, End of a turn or Above & Below the fall line.

At Level 2 you are going to describe turns using Create Control Release, and look at how DIRRT effect this.

Create, Control, Release

You can describe the phases of the turn by highlighting the ideal ski and body performances in each phase.


  • Skis are beginning to build an edge angle
  • Steering angle is adjusted creating a direction change
  • Pressure change from old outside ski to centre of new outside ski


  • directed CoG to move with skis
  • Active stance and balance – re-centre the COG above the BOS to maintain a centred stance
  • Outside ski balance – create balance through the centre of the outside ski
  • Steering – control rotation of the legs into the turn
  • Edging – control inclination of the legs inside the turn helps create grip with the snow


  • Increased edge angle
  • Manage steering angle is keeping the turn consistent
  • Direct Pressure through the centre of the outside ski


  • COG inside the path of the skier’s BOS.
  • Outside Ski Balance – manage the flexion and extension of the inside and outside legs to maintain balance through the outside ski, while building a natural amount of angulation.
  • Active stance and balance – continue to move forward with the skis down the fall line to maintain a centred stance
  • Steering – maintain a stable upper body as the legs incline/and or rotate, creating rotational separation in order to manage the forces acting on the skier.
  • Edging – control the inclination of the legs and body inside the turn to increase edge angle.


  • release edge angle to flatten the skis.
  • Manage the steering angle to maintain the ski’s direction across the hill.
  • Begin to direct pressure towards the new outside ski.
  • Manage the release of pressure to maintain ski/snow contact.


  • control and direct the path and height of the COG across the BOS towards the new turn.
  • Active stance and balance – control muscular engagement to maintain a centred stance.
  • Outside ski balance – manage flexion of the outside leg and extension of the inside leg to initiate a weight shift towards the new outside ski
  • Steering – maintain discipline in the upper body as the legs release laterally and rotationally helping to maintain separation.
  • Edging – control lateral movements of the legs and body to flatten the skis.

DIRRT – Duration, Intensity, Rate, Range and Timing.

Depending on a skiers skill level, speed, terrain and the intention the use of DIRRT will change this will result in the location of each phase of the turn varying throughout the skier’s pathway from beginner to expert.

Looking at the two images below (one a wedge turn and one a medium radius dynamic turn) you will see that the location and duration to the Create, Control and Release phases are different.