Hunger for Success

Hunger for Success

To help create a growth mindset!

“Be humble, be hungry, work hard and have fun!”

Snowboarding and freeskiing are still about fun, first and foremost. If your athletes are having fun, helping them to remain hungry to learn is much easier.

The hunger for success in athletes comes from passion, determination and the support they have around them.

Here are three areas that can support or hinder the hunger for success in your athletes…

Athletes need to learn to take responsibility for their progression and success, and it’s your job as the coach help foster this.

Promote self-discipline and a good balance between sport, personal/family life and education. Encourage them to seek performance feedback and personal feedback, both on and off snow.

Help them understand what it means to be “coachable” as an athlete.

Focus on developing a strong work ethic in your athletes and introduce goal setting to help achieve this.

Set SMART goals:

  • Specific – result outcomes or specific tricks/features are good to use here.
  • Measurable – for example, top 10 placing or landed the trick three times in a row.
  • Achievable – consider the amount of time on snow and availability of features.
  • Realistic – is it within their ability and the time frame specified.
  • Timed – set time frames.

Performance markers, no matter how small, can be used as evidence that positive change is occurring. Use them to help develop self-esteem from the inside out.

Help your athletes understand that communication is two-way between the athlete and coach.

As the coach, if you don’t fully realise what your athletes are experiencing, how can you help them to achieve their goals?

Do your athletes demonstrate good communication skills in person when introducing themselves? Are they able to write message, emails or texts with clarity? Are they able to talk on the phone clearly?

Help to build awareness of your athletes’ communication strengths and weaknesses.


A Growth Mindset

Encourage self-discipline, effort and consistency in your athletes. Help them identify what is important and what they should prioritise to improve performance.

Encourage the ability to receive constructive feedback and apply it to behaviour change.

Mindset by Carol Dweck

This download is an excerpt of a book called “Mindset” which discusses the growth mindset as it pertains to sports and how a sports mindset is often just as important, if not more important, than talent when it comes to being an exceptional athlete.

Please download and read the excerpt as questions relating to this will be included in the following quiz.